Our Innovation

Graphene MesoSponge® (GMS)

GMS is a three-dimensional graphene material featuring a sponge-like 3D structure with a shell thickness of a single carbon atom. As it achieves a balance of porosity, conductivity, corrosion resistance, and flexibility, this innovative carbon material may be key to overcoming notorious carbon material limitations resulting from trade-offs between longevity and performance.

The flexibility of GMS is particularly remarkable. GMS elastically deforms like rubber, defying the conventional wisdom of carbon materials as rigid. 3DC is the only entity in the world developing elastic carbon materials.

Overview of GMS features

・Shell thickness of only one carbon atom → A large specific surface area on par with activated
・Contains many internal nanopores → Capable of retaining large volumes of active
・materialsExceptionally small number of edge sites (starting points for chemical reactions) → Incredibly high oxidation resistance and reduced degradation
・Formed from high-quality graphene → High conductivity matching that of carbon black
・Offers sponge-like mechanical flexibility → Elastically deforms like rubber

Wherever Energy Storage is used, so can GMS


Longer-lasting batteries in spacecraft will enable journeys to distant planets and stars, significantly advancing space exploration.

②Electric Airplanes

The electrification of airplanes leads to decarbonization and noise reduction.

③Storage Batteries

Store electricity generated by rooftop solar panels and use it within factories.


Operate drones for extended periods to build the delivery infrastructure of the future.

⑤Storage Batteries (for Smoothing)

Large-scale storage batteries ensure a stable power supply even during typhoons when wind power generation is not possible.

⑥Storage Batteries (Home)

Install storage batteries in homes to use stored electricity for indoor lighting, cooking, and EV charging.


Improved performance and longevity of batteries for EVs advance new mobility concepts like car-sharing and autonomous driving.

⑧Mobile Devices

Advances in batteries will lead to the creation of thinner, lighter, and longer-lasting mobile devices.

⑨Domestic Robots, Care Robots

The introduction of robots for household chores and caregiving reduces the burden in daily life.


Longer-lasting batteries in pacemakers eliminate the need for battery replacement, making replacement surgeries unnecessary.

⑪Storage Batteries (for Decentralization)

Storing electricity from nearby power plants enables a lifestyle independent of the power grid.


Proposal for a new use of methane

Methane is a raw material of GMS. Hydrogen occurs as a byproduct of the methane-to-GMS conversion process. This hydrogen is a CO2-free turquoise hydrogen (hydrogen produced through methane pyrolysis).

In other words, GMS manufacturing processes are eco-friendly as they convert methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into hydrogen fuel through environmentally friendly methods. Manufacturing GMS can substantially reduce carbon footprints compared to directly burning methane.

As a new method of using methane, GMS manufacturing is positioned to be a truly excellent process for a decarbonized society.


GMS for Batteries

Expanding applications through higher battery performance

In addition to decarbonization and industrial development, we anticipate battery applications to expand from EVs to heavy-duty trucks, air mobility, the space industry, and beyond. Batteries with even higher capacities will be crucial to realize such applications. GMS can contribute to achieving higher battery capacities thanks to the many nanopores inside GMS that allow it to retain large volumes of active materials.

Improving sustainability by extending battery longevity

Many issues exist within battery manufacturing processes, including the mass consumption of rare metals, CO2 emissions, and child labor. In short, battery manufacturing lacks sustainability. Using degradation-resistant, flexible GMS in batteries enables extended battery longevity. In turn, repeated consumption of batteries can be curtailed to realize a society that is both eco-friendly and people-friendly.

GMS for Lithium-ion battery
GMS for next-generation batteries

GMS for Capacitors

Applications as capacitor electrodes

Since electric double-layer capacitors (EDLC) physically attract and store electricity, they outperform batteries in terms of high output and longevity. However, the low energy density of EDLCs has been an issue for many years.With its large specific surface area and resistance to degradation, GMS is perfect for EDLC electrodes. Using GMS allows EDLC capacitance to be maintained while improving operating voltage. This means that EDLCs can be manufactured to far surpass conventional energy densities.

【Related papers】

4.4 V supercapacitors based on super-stable mesoporous carbon sheet made of edge-free graphene walls

3DC has been selected for a grant from the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency for our capacitor business, amounting to approximately 300 million yen over three fiscal years.

For more details, please refer to the following news article.

3DC has been Selected for Fiscal Year 2023 “Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises Research and Development Support Program”

GMS as a catalyst support

Applications as a catalyst support

The production of green hydrogen using water electrolysis equipment is a crucial factor in realizing a decarbonized society. Water electrolysis equipment anodes ideally use catalyst supports offering high conductivity and oxidation resistance under high voltage. Unfortunately, there has been no such catalyst support up until now. Catalysts could not be highly dispersed (requiring greater volumes of catalysts) without the ability to use catalyst supports for water electrolysis equipment anodes.

Carbon supports have conventionally been used in fuel cell electrodes but suffered from insufficient resistance to high voltage. While the high-voltage resistance of carbon supports can be improved by firing them, doing so significantly reduces surface area. The surface area reduction has meant that fired carbon supports cease fulfilling their role as supports that highly disperse catalysts.

In contrast, GMS is a unique carbon material that maintains its porosity (and high specific surface area) even when fired and offers exceptional high-voltage resistance. These attributes make GMS a promising catalyst support for water electrolysis and fuel cell applications that can potentially overcome all the issues described for other supports.

【Related papers】

Pyrene-Thiol-modified Pd Nanoparticles on Carbon Support: Kinetic Control by Steric Hinderance and Improved Stability by the Catalyst-Support Interaction

Elucidation of oxygen reduction reaction and nanostructure of platinum-loaded graphene mesosponge for polymer electrolyte fuel cell electrocatalyst

3DC was selected to receive a grant from Miyagi Prefecture for our catalyst support business in the amount of approximately 30 million yen over three fiscal years.

For more details, please refer to the following news article.

[Announcement] 3DC has been selected for the “2023 Miyagi Prefecture Subsidy for New Entry and New Industry Creation Support Project (Group Development Type)”

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